
How to Dress Casual for Work - What You Need to Know

  Flats, chinos, and a button-down — how to dress for work like a pro. Work is Serious Business, and nothing says it like a suit that turns you into Halogen Man. How do you dress for work? This is the question every working professional answers daily. How can you wear your suit with pride? What colour should you pick? What type of jacket or blazer will make you look the most professional? Read on to find out everything you need to know about how to dress for work.   What to Wear for Work For almost every job out there, you'll need to dress for work. Whether you're an administrative assistant, a financial advisor, or a data scientist, you'll likely encounter situations where you must look professional in order to complete your tasks. Whether you're at a desk job or in an office setting, a suit is the perfect garment to wear for work. Whether you're a financial advisor or a data scientist, you'll likely encounter situations where you must look professional in orde